*sniff sniff*
*a teardrop silently falls*
Well, my camera died. I was happily taking photos of the kids at Kiwi Loco, and BAM! It just stopped. I thought my battery was dead. 'Cause it would be like me to forget to charge it.
Instead, I saw this image:
Confusion registering on my face, I felt my eyebrows pinch together as I pressed the shutter button, again and again, and again. Nothing.
I felt a panicking scream rising in my throat, but remained calm in front of all the patrons of the local yogurt shop. Even though I know the owner, I'm pretty sure my freaking out in front of everyone would be frowned upon.
I swiftly walked out to the car, with kids in tow, and drove to the local camera guy's store. {I can't stand his stinkin' guts, but hands down, he knows his cameras.} Taking a deep swallow and pushing down vomit and pride, I entered his store. Thankfully he wasn't there, and I got to work with one of his employees.
Diagnosis? It's pretty much history. I can send it in to a repair place, in Boise, but most likely it's not worth repairing and D40's have a history of doing this.
*sniff sniff*
We had a good 5 years, me and my D40. This November, would have celebrated it's 6th birthday.
I'm in shock still, and worried about all the photo ops I'm missing. What about Back to School night and taking my kids school photos? What about Swagger's 1st birthday? What about those few senior photo shoots I do? What about Jocelyn going to Kindergarten? What about Halloween? Thanksgiving? Christmas? I don't do well with the thought of only capturing those memories in words.
I've even lost sleep over it. What a thing it would be to go out and drop a grand on a new Nikon body so I can just keep going, but that's just not an option right now.
I made the hilarious mistake of asking a close friend, who is selling his Nikon camera, but not his lenses, this:
"So how much are you selling your body for?" That generated a laugh, but the only one in regards to this whole camera loss.
What I am going to do?
5 years ago