Sunday, 20 January 2013

Smell This

I hosted a Scentsy Party Friday and honestly, I was shocked at the response and support! I decided to do it because Scentsy brought back my FAVORITE SMELL!  SPICED ORANGE HARVEST.  I know it's not everyone's favorite, but it was the reason I decided to host the party   If I was going to spend $40 on the scent, I might as well host a party in it's honor!  I wasn't aware until later in the day that my party had qualified me for free product, and I felt suddenly grateful and spoiled!  It was so wonderful!

I made Harvest Muffins, Zucchini Bread, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Fruited Chicken Salad, The Bomb Diggity and Wassail.  I don't  know for sure, but I hope the food was a draw!  I spent 4 hours preparing, baking and cleaning and 9 hours as hostess, and I had the most fun, I swear.  Well, maybe the kids had just as much fun, as I heard a lot of giggling downstairs.

We had the greatest surge of people at lunch time.  I had hoped for this as the invitation had invited everyone to come around the lunch hour for for a light lunch.  My house was packed with laughter and chatting and lovely ladies smelling everything from Ace to Zeppelin.  (Yeah, those are actual scents, and they're delicious.)

At the end of the day, Mom, Paula, and Grandma Betty arrived.  Debra, Lacy and Chelsie arrived at the same time, and that made it extra fun to have family at the same time.

I had several outside orders from friends who were unable to attend on Saturday and by Saturday afternoon I was ready to close up the party and tally the results.


I really was spoiled. I earned $90 in free products and because it's double Host Rewards I was able to order 6 items at half cost.  In all, I am receiving roughly $270 dollars worth of products!  I excited to have 3 new warmers, a Candle Wrap, and 36 scent bars.

The Porta

These are what they look like--- 36 of them!!! eeeek!
The Jane Warmer

The Castille

We gave away 8 door prizes and one Grand Prize drawing and lots of chocolate.  And I wanna host this same party next January, with more giveaways.  I loved giving stuff away to my friends.  I can't thank Arin Layton enough for her help as my consultant!

Hopefully, I ordered enough of my favorite smell. I hate that they've discontinued it.  It will be like liquid gold and I'll probably only burn it on days that are special enough to enjoy it.  Like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my birthday.  I'm seriously wondering if 8 bars is enough to last me until they bring it back again.....

Thursday, 3 January 2013

New Year, New Day, A New Me

You know this Michael Buble song?  Well, it's a favorite of mine. And it always seems to come around in my mind at this time of year. Do you have a song that resurfaces at the turn of a new year?

One of my silly New Year's Resolutions has nothing to do with writing a book.

No, this one is all about Facebookthetimesuckerupper.

Yesterday, throughout the day,  I wrote down 3 'status updates' I thought about posting, on a piece of paper instead of on Facebook. I decided to test myself. Instead of updating my 'status' yesterday at all, I chose to save those thoughts.  Looking at them today- scribbly as they are- they're not of any value to anyone except me. Thank goodness I saved myself some embarrassment, right?

And so my new year's resolution of silliness, is this: I plan to blog them instead.  In short, instead of ''updating anything'' I plan to blog whatever it is that I want to shout out at the world, because the only one really listening to me, besides God, is me.

But not on here.  On my private, personal blog where my the good thoughts I do have, will be saved for another day, another generation to view.

Thought I might be dreaming that my kids would ever care to read what their mother had to say.....

In truth, I am not leaving facebookthetimesuckerupper.  Because it's a special place where I can like the world, reconnect with friends I don't remember and share photos that are fake and photoshopped.....

No, I'm not leaving Facebook.  It's also where I can talk to my family who lives far away, support and help my closest friends through our private group, and where I message the mothers of The Wreckers, my son's little basketball team that I am coaching.

Yes, this year is bound to be great.  I can feel it! Now, I'm off to watch YouTube videos....