LDStorymakers was held May 9th-11th, 2013, and this year was my first year attending. I wasn't sure what to expect. I admit I was put off by the idea of going to a conference that had LDS in the very name.
But to my delight it wasn't to church-y. Funny thing, maybe coming from the Bishop's Wife. What I'm writing isn't LDS oriented, and I was pretty sure that would be a big part of this conference. Thank goodness, it wasn't.
I would have wasted money, had it been.
Anyway, I didn't take my camera, which bums me out, but I had the tablet and I took a few pictures with it.
I wanted to re-cap a few of the classes I attended, because it helps the lessons I learned while there sink in further. Before I go into re-cap mode, I thought I'd jot down a few of my favorite moments, in no particular order.
-Getting lost more than once. I swear, I can't go to Utah without this happening to me. I hate it.
-Staying with Dana! it was wonderful to see her and spend a bit of time (Not nearly enough!) with her.
-Boot Camp. More on that later.
-Creating a critique group. I'm especially excited to have a support group now.
-Meeting a few faces that I won't soon forget. Though they may not even remember me.
-Visiting with a literary agent who was super kind and while I don't feel she's the right fit for me, feeling pressure to finish revisions on this dang MS is a priceless treasure I walked away with because of her.
-Realizing Brooklyn was totally content to play with her cousins for 2 days without missing me too much.
-Driving with Brooklyn and having time to talk to her. She's so funny! I'm blessed to have her in my life, despite all the trouble she gets into.
-When I came home to a clean house and loving family who spoiled me on Mother's Day, I knew I had been blessed to have 4 amazing days in a row, which doesn't happen often. At least, not in a row like that. I'd been on a mini-vacation, even though it was a overload of information and the after shock is still wearing on my mind.
Okay, that's it for today. More to come!
5 years ago