Sunday, 17 August 2008

Fair Entries-Categories Listed

Flower Category
Portrait, Woman
Not Sure What Category This One Goes Into
Sports Action
Portrait, Child
Still Life
Portrait, Man

Portrait, Child(ren)
Body Part

These may be duplicates on the blog, sorry about that, but these are the ones I am entering into the fair's photography department, in the amateur photography competition. Feel Free to Vote on the side bar!


brandy said...

Good Luck, I have always wanted to do that. We were going to enter a pumpkin. Well, um the pumpkins are not so great.(look for blog soon)

Chels said...

Gina, they all look so good! But when I had to choose I couldn't decide between the crayons or the one of landon. Those two are my favorites. You are one talented, busy woman.
love ya