Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Fair Results

Honorable Mention for this shot.
I was hoping to mostly just have at least one, where the Judge was like, "Not bad. Honorable mention."
I'll take it!



Bobbi Lee said...

I definitely think not bad - and it's so clear and crisp! Nice work!

Mykalee said...

Go Gina! I am so proud of you, and I STILL want you to take our family's pics- this fall, outside in the leaves!

brandy said...

Bravo! I think you should be so proud. A ribbon is a ribbon no matter what! I have looked at lots of photo's at the fair(my favorite part) and lots a kinda the same over and over. I have NEVER seen one like that.Keep up the great work.

Gallant Family said...

So sorry you missed out on the whopping huge cash prize for the grand prizes!!! I think you have a great eye for photography. Jonas is almost a year...