Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Writers Conference: The Soundtrack

Dang you Destiny.

You heard me right.

And if you're like me and haven't heard some of these {yet}, which is completely possible since most of my followers are in IDAHO, well, here they are:

In all their glory.

I present the Desert Dreams Writers Conference Soundtrack for 2012.

First Song: Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye
Be not afraid, it's completely AWKWARD, and I probably won't let my kids see this one. The video creeps me out, but it's the most addicting song.  Ridiculous.

I think we heard this on the radio EVERYDAY while we were in Arizona for the conference, and every time, Destiny CRANKED IT UP.

Relishing the chance to make me listen her music, we continued to drive back and forth to the conference listening to music that I'd never heard and she loved educating me on Flor Rida (Florida?  really?) and Boy Bands that are hot these days.

Moving on.
Second Song: Good Feeling by Flo Rida
I didn't know I'd come home singing this one, but it's right up the same alley as Blackeyed Peas Tonight's Gonna Be a Good Night.  Which is a song I know and love.  This had the same effect. 

Third Song: Glad You Came by The Wanted
Well, by far the most fitting for this event. Don't you think?  Even in the title, I felt welcomed to Arizona.  These guys are British, revamping the Boy band stereotype. Don't mind if they do.

Fourth Song: Good Girl by Carrie Underwood
Right up my Idaho alley.  We love Carrie over here.

Song Five: We Are Young by Fun.
The. Best.  It's funny, it's fun, and I loved it. I watched the video twice and then shared it with my kids, because who doesn't love slo-mo??

Song Six: Boyfriend by Justin Bieber
Most ridiculous song of the whole trip.

Song Seven: What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction
If I were 17 again, these guys would be on my wall. This is a perfect teeny-bop for my kids to grow up to.  I can appreciate that kind of thing.

Song Eight: Wild Ones by Flo Rida
Maybe not the most appropriate video, but it was on the radio a lot down there.  Phoenix has a thing for Flo, I guess.

And last but not least.
Song Nine: Lady in Red by Chris de Burgh
Now this classic wasn't on the radio, I assure you. It does however makes the list because we were singing together, to the missionaries.

Nothing like serenading two 20 year olds with a classic. Don't worry.  I think Destiny's husband, John, and her two daughters were thoroughly engaged with our antics. When we were at her house in Vegas, the missionaries stopped by and the conversation digressed and led to a red dress, and they didn't know the song.  We had to sing it to them.  It was funny.

So there you have it.  If I were to make a CD with songs that left an impression on me while in Arizona, it would be these nine songs.  The good ones, the bad ones, and the delicious ones.

More on the conference soon!


destiny said...

"Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over"- whahahahhahaha...

You forgot to mention I sing way better than Kimbra.

There is another song you forgot:

Lady in Red- that was priceless!

Janelle said...

This is hilarious. I have been listening to all of these, and they've been playing on our radios for MONTHS. Old news. haha. Next time you need GOOD music, come to me first, and don't wait 5 months later! ;) speaking of wild one, you should listen to Sia's "Breathe Me" old song, but if she's new to you, thats a great start :)