Monday, 18 June 2012

Hungry Games Survivor


  1. A person who survives, esp. a person remaining alive after an event in which others have died

Okay, not one person has died in the process of this Hungry Games, at least not yet.

But it's been 10 days now, and I gotta say, it's going great!  The kids ration themselves really well. They tell others about the snack tray and they seem so much happier than before when it comes to snacks.

AND THE BEST PART?  I haven't heard "I'M HUNGRY!!!" for nearly two weeks!
 Here are some examples over the last few days of some of the trays!


Serene is my name, not my life! said...

I have seriously got to try this!

Camille said...

I'm thinking about trying this out. I just have to commit myself now. :)